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Pro- and Post-Situs

Founded in July 1957, the Situationist International brought together currents of experimental poetry, avant-garde art, and radical social criticism to explore new techniques of engagement in cultural protest and revolutionary praxis. Although the organization itself remained small and disbanded in 1972, the SI profoundly shaped the interaction of art and politics at crucial moments in the evolution of postwar culture, including the transnational uprisings of 1968 and 1977. Its influence continues to be felt today.

Situationist and related holdings at the Beinecke

Pre-Situ texts and documents relating to the foundation of the Situationist International

Surréalisme révolutionnaire collection, manuscript documents and printed materials from the archive of Noël Arnaud, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, bulk 1947-48

Cobra, no. 1-7, 10, Brussels, 1948-51

Reflex: Orgaan van de Experimentele Groep in Holland, nos. 1-2, Amsterdam, 1948

Finis les pieds plats, Paris, 1952

La nuit du cinéma, Paris, 1952

Jan Elburg and Constant, Het uitzicht van de duif, Amsterdam, 1952

Internationale lettriste, no. 3, Paris, 1953

Asger Jorn/correspondence with Edouard Jaguer, c. 1953-55

Bollettino d'informazioni del Movimento internazionale per una Bauhaus immaginista, nos. 1-2, Milan, 1954-56

Ça commence bien / pour le mouvement surréaliste, Paris, 1954

Et ça finit mal : un communiqué de l'Internationale lettriste, Paris, 1954

Potlatch : bulletin d'information du groupe français de l'Internationale lettriste, nos. 1-29, 2nd ser., no. 1, Paris, 1954-57, 1959

Les Lèvres nues, nos. 1-10/12, Brussels, 1954-60

Manifestate a favore dell'urbanisimo unitaro, Turin, 1956

Manifestez en faveur de l'urbanisme unitaire, Turin, 1956

Perchè il movimento internazionale per una Bauhaus immaginista e' necessario, 1956

La Plate-forme d'Alba, 1956

Toutes ces dames au Salon!, Paris, 1956

Guy Debord, Guide psychogeographique de Paris, Copenhagen, 1956

Guy Debord, The Naked City: Illustration de hypothèse des plagues tournantes en psychogéographique, Copenhagen, 1956

Asger Jorn and Guy Debord, Fin de Copenhague, Copenhagen, 1957

Guy Debord, Rapport sur la construction des situations et sur les conditions de l'organisation et de l'action de la tendance situationniste, Paris, 1957

Taptoe a le plaisir d'inviter au vernissage de première exposition de psychogéographie : présentée par le Mouvement international pour un Bauhaus imaginiste, l'International lettriste et le Comité Psychogéographique de Londres, Brussels, 1957

Movimento Nucleare, 1951-1961, 2 vols, Milan, 1962, a dossier of original manifestos, catalogs, and fliers assembled by Milanese gallery owner Arturo Schwarz

Situationist International texts and related documents and material, 1957-1972

I.S. Laboratorio Sperimentale, c. 1957, official rubber stamp of the Situationist International Experimental Laboratory at Alba

Lettre ouverte aux responsables de la Triennale d'art industriel à Milan, Paris, 1957

Guy Debord and Asger Jorn, Mémoires, Copenhagen, 1958

Internationale situationniste, nos. 1-12, Paris, 1958-1969

Nervenruh! keine Experimente!,  Munich, 1958

Nouveau théâtre d'opérations dans la culture,  Paris, 1958

La société sans classes a trouvé ses artistes, Paris, 1958

Constant, Paris, 1959

Difendiamo la libertà, Alba del Piemonte, 1959

Gruppe Spur : Bilder und Plastiken, Munich, 1959

Michèle Bernstein, Pinot-Gallizio, Paris, 1960

Michèle Bernstein, Tous les chevaux du roi, Paris, 1960

Daniel Blanchard, Préliminaires pour une définition de l'unité du programme révolutionnnaire, Paris, 1960

Guy Debord, Constant : Konstruktionen und Modelle, Essen, 1960

Asger Jorn, Critique de la politique économique, suivie de La lutte finale, Paris, 1960

Asger Jorn, Le long voyage, Paris, 1960

Michèle Bernstein, La nuit, Paris 1961

Critique européenne des Corps Académiques des Universités, Collèges et Instituts de Recherche, Paris, 1962

Michèle Bernstein, et al., Déclaration sur les procès contre l'Internationale situationniste en Allemagne fédérale, Paris, 1962

Jacqueline de Jong, Jørgen Nash, et al., Nicht Hinauslehnen!=Ne pas se pencher au dèhors [stet]=E pericoloso sporgesi!=Danger! Do not lean out!=Det är livsfarligt att luta sig ut!=Niet naar buiten hangen!, 1962

Nicht hinauslehnen!, Paris, 1962

Theses on the Commune, London, 1962

SPUR, Munich, 1962

Unverbindliche Richtlinien, nos. 1-2, Munich, 1962-63

Aux poubelles de l'histoire, Paris, 1963

Guy Debord, Destruktion af RSG-6 : en kollektiv manifestation af Situationistisk Internationale, Odense, 1963.

Der deutsche Gedanke : Organ der Situationistischen Internationale für Mitteleuropa, no. 1, Brussels, 1963

Guy Debord, Contre le Cinéma, Paris, 1964

Alexander Trocchi, Manifesto situationiste: sigma edition, London, 1964

Adresse aux revolutionnaires d'Algérie et de tous les pays, 1965

The Decline & the Fall of the "Spectacular" Commodity-Economy, 1965

Les luttes de classes en Algérie, Paris, 1965

André Bertrand, Le retour de la colonne Durutti, Strasbourg, 1966

Black Mask, no. 3 (New York, 1966)

Mustapha Khayati, De la misère en milieu étudiant, Strasbourg, 1966

Guy Debord, La société du spectacle, Paris, 1967

Les luttes de classes, Strasbourg, 1967

Mustapha Khayati, De la misère en milieu étudiant, 2nd ed., Paris, 1967.

Mustapha Khayati, Of student poverty, London, 1967

Pourqoui des professeurs ..., Strasbourg, 1967

Pour une critique de l'avant-gardisme, l'unique et sa propriété : suivi de documents relatifs a l'éclatement de l'Internationale situationniste, Strasbourg, 1967

Raoul Vaneigem, Traité de savoir-vivre à l'usage des jeunes générations, Paris, 1967

Address to All Workers, 1968

Adresse à tous les travailleurs, Paris, 1968

Appello a tutti i lavoratori, c. 1968

Considérée en elle même, la "Jeunesse" est un mythe publicitaire ..., Paris, 1968

Guy Debord, Le prolétariat comme sujet et comme représentation, Paris, 1968

Mustapha Khayati, Das Elend der Studenten, c. 1968

King Mob Echo, no. 1 (London, 1968)

King Mob, nos. 2, 3, and 6 (London, 1968-69)

King Mob, The following are a collection of the cartoons ..., London, 1968

Raoul Vaneigem, Banalités de base, Montreal, 1968

René Viénet, Enragés et situationnistes dans le mouvement des occupations, Paris, 1968

Internazionale situazionista : rivista della sezione italiana dell'I.S., Milan, 1969

Situationist international : Review of the American Section of the S.I., no. 1, New York, 1969

Raoul Vaneigem, Some Advice Concerning Generalized Self-Management, London, 1969

Create Situations that Go beyond the Point of No Return, New York, 1970

Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle, Detroit, 1970

Internationale situationniste, 1958-69, Amsterdam, c. 1970

Gianfranco Sanguinetti, Gli operai d'Italia e la rivolta di Reggio Calabria, Milan, 1970

Gianfranco Sanguinetti, Les ouvriers italiens et la revolte de Reggio de Calabre, Paris, 1970

Theses on the Commune, New York, 1970

To Nonsubscribers of Radical America, New York, 1970

The Beginning of an Epoch, New York, 1971

The Poor & the Superpoor : Contributions Serving to Rectify the Opinion of the Public Concerning the Revolution in Underdeveloped Countries, New York, 1971

Jean-Pierre Voyer, Reich, mode d'emploi : texte/affiche, Paris, 1971

Jean-Pierre Voyer, Reich, modo d'uso, Naples, 1971

To create at long last a situation which goes beyond the point of no return : 4 situationist texts, London, c. 1971

Jean-Pierre Voyer, The Use of Reich, London, 1972

Guy Debord and Gianfranco Sanguinetti, La véritable scission dans l'Internationale, Paris, 1972


The Situationist Bauhaus and the "Second Situationist International"

Co-Ritus manifest 1961 : 1. Rennässansen är oåterkalleligen slut ..., 1961

Drakabygget, nos. 1-9/11, 1962-1984

Ritus contra depravation, 1962

Seven rebels Flugblatt : Bilder und Plastiken : Bauhaus situationniste : utställning i Odense, sept. 62-Göteborg, okt. 62 stop : katalog, 1962

Vi välkomnar er till den fjärde Co-Ritus koncerten, 1962

De indbydes-- Seven rebels, Silkeborg, 1963

Nash + Thorsen-- maleri, collage, skulptur 1960-63, Copenhagen, 1963

Co-Ritus konst & jazz & poesi, 1964

Jørgen Nash, Jens Thorsen, et al., Konst i norr : Situationisterna, 1964

Jørgen Nash, Jens Thorsen, et al., Manifest ved demonstration for kunsterisk ytringsfrihed, Copenhagen, 1965

Situationister i konsten, 1966

Love is Happening : The new Little Mermaid : flyveblad nr. 14 fr 2. Situationistiske internationale : detta informationsmeddelande utgör ett tillägg till ert försäkringsbrev ..., 1967

Film/Situationistisk Anticensurfestival, Copenhagen, 1970

Program for Situationisternes Film-, Digt- og Manifest-Matine, Copenhagen, 1970

Ambrosius Fjord and Patric O'Brien, Situationister 1957-70, Drakabygget, 1970-71

Aufruf Das Künstlerproletariat zur Documenta 5, 1972

Abonnér på sensationelt dansk kunst- og literatur tidsskrift, editions Bauhaus situationiste, Copenhagen, 1974

Nash Poesia Visiva : Poesi Utställning, Lund, 1975

Jens Thorsen, Chaos, Copenhagen, 1985

Bauhaus Situationiste, collection of five stamps for exhibitions of the Situationist Bauhaus in Barcelona, Boston, London, Paris, and Vienna, 1989-1998

Pro-, Anti- and Post-Situ texts and documents

Unverbindliche Richtlinien, nos. 1-2, Munich, 1962-63

L'Internationale situationniste prend l'offensive, Brussels, 1963, a parody published by Belgian neo-surrealists

Constant, New Babylon: tien lithografieën, Amsterdam, 1963

New Babylon informatief, no.s 1-4 (Amsterdam, 1965-66)

Suburban Press, nos. 1-5 (London, 1970-74)

Jean Garnault, Le strutture elementari della reificazione / I.S., Naples, c. 1973

Riforma e controriforma nel potere burocratico / I.S., Naples, c. 1973

Omphalos : Ramifications of Situationist Theory, London, 1972

Time Recaptured : Self-Management and the Lip Occupation, Berkeley, 1973

René Vienet, La dialectique peut-elle casser des briques?: le premier film entiérement détourné de l'histoire du cinéma, v.o. sous-titres par l'association pour le développement des luttes de classe et la propagation du matérialisme dialectique, Paris, 1973.

Viva la Comune / I.S., Naples, c. 1973

Acratas : sull'autonomia : documento interno del Collettivo autonomo di Verbania, Verbania, 1975.

Di qualche tecnica di raccolta delle virgole della cronaca per fare il punto sulla preistoria : le origini dell'Internazionale situazionista. Le Mani di Karl Radek, Milan, 1975

Mustapha Khayati, Sulla miseria dell'ambiente studentesco, Trento, 1975

Guy Debord, Rapporto sulla costruzione di situazioni e su le condizione dell'organizzazione e della azione delle tendenza situazionista internazionale, Brescia, 1976

Guy Debord, La società dello spettacolo, 1976

Secondo rapporto sulla costruzione di situazioni, Rome, 1977

Related collections

Michèle Bernstein Papers

André Bertrand and André Schneider Papers

Guy Debord

Jacqueline de Jong Papers

Asger Jorn

Mustapha Khayati Papers

Attila Kotányi Papers

Patrick Labaste Papers

May '68

Movimento del '77

Revolutionary Surrealism

Gianfranco Sanguinetti Papers

The Situationist Times

Jens Jørgen Thorsen Collection

Raoul Vaneigem Papers

Situationist International

THE SITUATIONIST MOVEMENT can be seen as an artistic avant-garde, as an experimental investigation of possible ways for freely constructing everyday life, and as a contribution to the theoretical and practical development of a new revolutionary contestation.

GUY DEBORD, June 1963

Situationist International

The Situationist International was born at a bar in the tiny Italian mountain village of Cosio d'Arroscia at the end of July 1957. There were just eight people in attendance. Two voted against the motion to found the SI; a third abstained. By April 1961, all but two of the original eight had either quit or been expelled, and just one of them--Guy Debord--was still in the SI when it disbanded eleven years later in April 1972. Yet for all the ensuing division and acrimony, what happened at Cosio d'Arroscia remains significant. Many red threads came together. Leading actors, movements, and strategies that had emerged in the immediate postwar years played a huge role in making this moment possible. And they went on to weave stark patterns in the convergence of art, politics, and counterculture that bore the signature of this encounter long after the SI itself had come apart.


The Situationist International thus occupies a special place in the history of the transnational networks documented in the Postwar Culture Collections at Beinecke.



There is no Situationist art, only Situationist uses of art.



We want nothing with "Situationism," we explicitly reject the word, we refuse the doctrine. We have wanted to defineas much as possible, we have begun to experiment with a practically situationist activity. In the sense of creating situations or moments, if one can use that word.

Environments and actions, in interaction.


Letter to Raoul Hausmann, March 1963

Video documentary combining exhibition footage of SI exhibitions with film footage of the 1968 Paris student uprising, and graffiti and slogans based on the ideas of Guy Debord; includes commentary by leading art critics Greil Marcus, Thomas Levine, and artists Malcolm McLaren and Jamie Reid. Directed and produced by Branka Bogdanov, 1989.


"The Game: An interview with Michèle Bernstein, novelist and founding member of the Situationist International," Frieze magazine 157 (September 2013).


Guy Debord and the Situationist International: Texts and Documents, edited by Tom McDonough (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2002) (pdf).


Internationale situationniste, 1958-69, issues 1-12, PDF scans of the original issues on Ubu.


List of members of the Situationist Intenrational, 1957-1972


NOT BORED!, a pro-situationist digital 'zine run by Bill Brown, featuring chronology, texts, correspondence, and images related to Lettrism, Situationist International, New York Psychogeographical Association, and Henri Lefebvre.


October 79 (Winter 1997), Special issue: Guy Debord and the Internationale Situationniste (pdf).


On the Passage of a few People through a Rather Brief Moment in Time: The Situationist International 1956-1972, a documentary blending exhibition footage and interviews as a means of identifying and exploring the international movement.


A Situationist Bibliography


Situationist Film, archive of SI films and related texts.


"The Situationist International: the Art of Historical Intervention," Miguel Amorós, 2012.


Situationist International Anthology, Bureau of Public Secrets website run by Ken Knabb.


Situationist International Archives, archive of Situationist texts in French and English.


Situationist International Online, extensive archive of situationist texts available in English, with a comprehensive chronology, glossary, and biographies.


Ubuweb, extensive digital educational resource for avant-garde material, including texts but largely film, video, and sound, for artists involved with SI.


Visual Propaganda: Ideology in Art. Situationists



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